Agency Application

Agency Grant Application

Welcome to the United Way of Mid Rural New York Application System. We are proud to consider strengthening your organization through our fundraising efforts. These are competitive grants designed to focus, enhance and/or expand an organization’s existing programs and services; or as an investment in a project which is a critical enhancement to the mission of your nonprofit organization. 

These annual grants focus on the United Way of Mid Rural New York Community Impact Focus Areas. Our Allocations Grants committee considers how this grant application will move the needle in our impact areas. These areas are Education, Income Stability, Health, and Disaster Services.

Follow the prompts below to submit your online grant application. You will be able to return to the application to make adjustments or changes as needed until it has been submitted. Only one person at a time will be able to enter data which is a change from the previous system. Please contact United Way of Reno County with questions.


Watch a short instructional video on creating an account and saving drafts.

All applicants are required to have or create an account to complete and submit your application.  Keep your username and password handy so that you can "save a draft" and return to complete your submission.  Also, this username and password will continue to be used for agency reporting and future applications.

  • LOGIN HERE (If you already have a username and password)
  • CREATE AN ACCOUNT (New users only - Recommend using your Agency Name as your Username - watch for an email to set your password, check spam)
  • RESET YOUR PASSWORD (if your email has been used previously, you can reset your password)
  • LOGOUT (Be sure to log out once you have saved your draft or submitted your application)

Incomplete applications will not be accepted.  Do not leave any blanks; enter N/A if not applicable.

Be sure to click "SAVE DRAFT" frequently, you will be able to return and work on the application as time permits. Be sure to click "SUBMIT" when completed, you will not be able to access completed submission, but you will be sent a copy of your submission.

Applications are due by September 30, 2024.


1.What are your primary funding priorities?

UWMRNY allocates resources based on community needs. This is done through a systematic process involving community assessments, identifying critical issues, and prioritizing areas that require immediate attention. United Way Worldwide has identified four specific impact areas: healthy community, youth opportunity, financial security, and community resiliency. Additionally, our Community Impact committee has come together to establish priorities for our four-county region that focus on key areas including food insecurity, substance use and/or mental health, financial literacy, housing, child care, and transportation. Our review panels take into consideration how well the program requesting funding aligns with these impact areas, as well as the potential impact and effectiveness of the program in addressing the six priority areas. This approach ensures that United Way funds are allocated to programs that are likely to create positive, sustainable change in the community.


2.How will applications be evaluated?

  The RFP application process is unbiased and competitive; there are no “member agencies” or entitlement funds, and the application review is entirely objective. Review panels are comprised of United Way Board members and trained community representatives/volunteers (non-Board members). Each review panel scores applications with a rubric, making decisions based on research detailing the greatest needs in our community. In order to determine funding allocation, the scores are then put into a spreadsheet, which uses a formula that takes into consideration not only the results from the RFP review but also — if the applicant is a returning funded partner — previous years’ scoring on mid-year and final reports. This process ensures that the resources are used effectively to provide our community with the most essential services.

3.What are the key milestones and deadlines my agency should be aware of throughout the application cycle?

  The application opens in mid-July and must be completed by September 30th, 2024. Our panels review applications from October 1st through December 1st, and the allocation process occurs in late January. Applicants will be contacted by the United Way no later than February 2025 once final decisions are made. The programs awarding funding for the 2025-2026 cycle will be subject to mid-year and end-of-year reporting requirements. Details of reporting requirements will be outlined in the funding agreements.

4.How much can I request?

  All applicants must request a minimum of $2,500. The maximum amount of funding that applicants can request varies by county ($25,000 for Chenango, $5,000 for Delaware, $10,000 for Otsego, and $10,000 for Madison). These numbers are based on each county’s giving history/fundraising totals from previous years.

5.What specific outcomes are expected?

While the outcomes will vary depending on the impact area of the program and the goals of the initiative itself, be prepared to clearly demonstrate how your program will enact some sort of positive change in the community. This means going beyond just the numbers (outputs).

Outputs are the direct, tangible services delivered by a program. They are usually easy to measure and count, and they represent the immediate results of program activities. Outcomes, on the other hand, refer to the broader, longer-term changes or benefits that result from the program. These changes can be in the knowledge, behavior, skills, or condition of the people you are serving. Outcomes are usually more complex to measure than outputs because they involve changes that occur over time. For example, if your outputs are the number of books distributed and reading sessions held, then one outcome may be improved literacy rates among the children participating; if your outputs are the number of community gardens established and the amount of produce grown, then some outcomes may be improved physical activity levels and better overall health.


6.My agency’s initiative is not mentioned in the examples given under the four impact areas. Is that okay?

Yes! The examples provided are non-comprehensive and only encompass those issues identified by UW Worldwide and our Community Impact committee as requiring the most attention. While the impact and priority areas are used to guide the application review process, we recognize that community needs are complex and ever-changing. If your program addresses a gap in services or offers potential solutions to issues in the counties, we encourage you to apply for funding.

If you are a new applicant and have any questions about whether your initiative aligns with our funding priorities, do not hesitate to contact our office. When in doubt, just ask!


7.What technical support is available to agencies during the application process?

We plan to offer virtual “office hours” to assist agencies with the application. These sessions will include an overview of the new process and outcome training. More information regarding dates/times will be provided soon, and attendance is optional. There will also be a two week Q&A period from August 12th-23rd. Applicants will have the opportunity to submit their questions, and answers will be posted online all at once. More details to follow.


  1. What are some tips for a strong application?
    1. Carefully follow the instructions and guidelines provided in the RFP.
    2. Be sure to show how the funding will be used in the counties to make a (measureable) difference.
    3. Write clearly and concisely, especially in your charts.
    4. Give your application to someone else to review.